Registering a Trade Union

  • Step 1

    Fill out Trade Union Prescribed Form

    Consult with Attorney

  • Step 2

    Submit Application and pay prescribed Fees

  • Step 3

    Uplift certificate after 3 business days

What is a Trade Union?

A “Trade Union” or “Union” means an association registered as a Trade Union under Section 15 of the Trade Unions Act not being an association or organization of employers registered as a Trade Union under this Act; (Trade Union Recognition Chapter 98:07 S2).

What Documents are Required?

• Application must state Name and Address of the Union formed and Signatures of the Members • Constitution Rules of the Union formed • Declaration of Compliance • Identification Cards of the Members of the Union formed


Estimated 3 working days.


• New application $500.00 • Copy of a document from the Trade Union File $350.00 • Annual Returns and Financial Statements $800.00 • Notice of Change $800.00 • An original copy of the Trade Union Certificate $2000.00

Payment Methods

We only accept Cash Payments up to $100,000.00 and any amount above is to be paid via a Manager’s Cheque as a Payment Option.

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